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Mission Statement

The BJCF mission is to assist in providing financial support to cover medical cost (co-pays, medications and treatments), gas cards to assist transportation cost to treatments, utilities, food allowances, and cosmetic accessories (wigs, mastectomy bras or prosthesis) for any Cancer patient in active treatment residing in Frederick, Washington and Allegheny Counties.

Bettie Jane Bryant

The Bettie Jane Cancer Foundation regretfully announce the passing of Bettie Jane Bryant (BJ) on Feb 28, 2023. It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we have lost our Founder and friend, of this wonderful Foundation. We will continue and support all those that we can in Bettie Jane’s name in the coming years. 

Walk for Cancer - Bettie Jane Cancer Foundation

Cancer treatment has advanced significantly in recent years. Drug therapy now has the potential to extend life beyond previous expectations. Unfortunately, these drugs are very expensive and can often create financial hardship for the patient. 

  • The Bettie Jane Cancer Foundation 5K Run/Walk
    The Bettie Jane Cancer Foundation 5K Run/Walk
    Sat, May 10
    Riverside Park
    Click Button Below to Register! Early Bird Registration is on or before March 10th $25 (18 and older)/ $15 (under 18) Price will increase to $30/ $20 on or before April 10th After April 10th $35/ $25 Only registrations on or before April 10th are guaranteed a t-shirt.

BJCF Annual Gala 2025
Save the Date!

13th Annual Bettie Jane Cancer Foundation Gala

Save the Date for 2025


Thank you to our Sponsors

BJCF Sponsor
BJCF Sponsor
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